Color Zen


Color Zen is a new kind of puzzle game. One that invites you to put on your headphones, relax, and find your way through an abstract world of colors and shapes.

Color Zen is a new kind of puzzle game. With simple, intuitive controls, the game invites you to relax and immerse yourself. There are no points or penalties for failure; just an abstract world of color to move through at your own pace. So put on your headphones and find your way, with Color Zen. Game features: Meditative puzzle-cracking flow: just match the colors to win the level Immersive soundtrack keeps you in the groove 460 levels to solve (all DLCs) Music by Steve Woodzell

Publisher: Cypronia
Release Date: 2018-12-06
Age Rating: 6+

User Comments

Total players: 3.

Average play time: 00:04:55.

Finished: 0.

Completed: 0.

Abandoned: 0.

Backlogs: 0.

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